-when creating a new game and not having ever played before, there's literally no reason for you to have the three save slots pop up and have us pick one. just unnecessary interface clutter.
-when having people enter their name and nothing else, you should have the focus be in the name entering box upon the loading of the page. doesn't make sense for us to have to click into it.
-when having the user enter their name, they should be able to hit enter to submit. you shouldn't force them to move their hand back and forth between the keyboard and mouse that many times. it gives a very unpolished first impression.
-i noticed at the very start that when swinging to the side, the graphic showed up as a pickaxe for part of the swing, despite the fact that i was wielding a sword.
-the default controls are possibly the worst you could have picked. people have to hold their arms at a very awkward angle. basically the left hand is ok but the right hand has to shift over far further to the left than is natural. this is typically the reason why flash games of this type use the arrow keys for movement and a/s or z/x for interaction/attacking. you could have kept the general flavor of your control scheme intact though by having movement be done with WASD and interaction be done with left/right or up/down or some combination of those. it would be odd but it would be far better than what you chose. i think a lot of time authors try to impose their notion of what the "right" controls should be based more on nostalgia for the old NES days than anything else. if you were objectively trying to create a fun gaming experience on the flash platform, you would have gone with a scheme like this: arrows for movement, 'a' for attack, and 's' for interaction. this is the scheme i quickly adopted, but i shouldn't have had to. you could have gone for something experimental but usable enough that people would give it a shot. instead you went with a brand of nostalgia-inspired elitism that simply annoyed me and i imagine, many other people.
-being unable to respec your skills and stats is reminiscent of outdated game mechanics. an age of game design where the player was given less flexibility and room for experimentation because the developer wasn't really thinking ahead.
-i liked the '1', '2', '3', etc. aspect of the interface. it was short and sweet for a flash game. but i didn't like that you couldn't interact with straight forward things (like the quest log) via your keyboard. i personally consider the whole "constantly shift your right hand between the keyboard the mouse simply because i'm under the impression as a game designer that you simply can't do without your right hand being used for both" to be one of the cardinal sins of flash game design. there's really no reason i shouldn't have been able to cycle through the quests with the arrow keys and select with the action key to read.
-similarly, forced mouse interaction for the inventory and items was cumbersome to the experience.
-lack of keyboard interaction for such simple things as saving and warping was also annoying to me.
i'm going to wrap this up for now. i think i've given you enough feedback to polish this thing to a shine. notice the rating i'm giving. i still think this is awesome. now i'm going to play it. if you need more feedback for the rest of the game past the first save point, you know where to reach me.