i full screened, then hit escape later on to un-fullscreen it and the game screen was then just black. no way to see or do anything
amazing game though.
i full screened, then hit escape later on to un-fullscreen it and the game screen was then just black. no way to see or do anything
amazing game though.
Yeah sorry about that, I've updated the description to warn people about that.
two huge flaws
1. why doesn't level autotomatically restart when you die?
2. why such a hair trigger jump? i jump and since i didn't release my finger instantly, it jumps again? very annoying and breaks the flow of platforming
if not for these two annoyances i would have finished your game.
1. In some levels, dying doesn't mean automatically loosing, so I let you decide when to restart if needed. Anyway, you can activate the auto-restart (right to the restart button, on the left bottom part of the screen), and then the game will auto-restart when there is no chance for you to pass the level anymore (not enough twinbots alive)
2. This instant jumping is kinda useful sometimes, however I'll think about it!
Thanks for playing and I hope you'll give it another chance :)
I notice you're getting super defensive against the negative reviews. And yet you expect people to be more specific.
This is the shallowest most amateur thing I've seen on the front page in years. I have no clue whatsoever how it got there.
And if you'd like more information (from a *real* game developer who makes a living off indie game development) then you're welcome to message me privately.
Spouting criticism here, then having you get defensive in response, and then me not being able to reply because NG's review system is f***ing horrible is not conducive to anything constructive whatsoever.
And no the 0 rating is not out of spite. It literally ranks in the bottom 10th percentile of flash games I've played this year and in the last ten years. (two separate metrics)
I'm not getting defensive for negative criticisms, only useless ones. Like voting zero because you don't like my attitude or because you think my preview picture isn't good.
Reading your other reviews I noticed that you have a habit of voting zero for stupid reasons and insulting the people who made the game. For someone who is an expert on game making as you say, you don't do a good job at dealing out criticism. You tell me this game is one of the worst you've played in 10 years and yet you didn't give me a single reason why except that you don't like my responses to the criticism. You obviously have no clue how much work goes into making a game for a guy who claims he does.
And I can't seem to find any of these so called games you've worked on, you don't have any here on NG and your website link isn't working. And yeah, trolls really hate NG's comment lmit.
everything was logical up till the end. when you get to the final door with the up arrow, down arrow and square. i just hit random buttons for a few seconds and it opened.. was there some logic to that puzzle?
Just because you asked, take a look at the picture in the hotel's reception.
(Three triangles and a square)
why no 'r' hotkey to reset a level?
no keyboard shortcuts at level end/fail to continue/go to next level/retry..
did you even actualy sit down and play this?
I'm sorry that you feel that way. The game is intended to be played on a mobile device or with the mouse on PC.
Since all the buttons are on plain sight we did not thought it was a need. I apologize that this ruined your playing experience.
Thanks for playing.
fix the handling
overhaul it actually
edit 8 years later:
handling was still so bad:
-you run too fast
-you jump when you land a jump if you still have jump key held (horrible)
-your ability to jump right off the edge of a ledge is very limited which is an input/physics problem lots of unpolished platformers have.
-you jump way too high
that said, the atmosphere was nice. nice music and music transitions. and nice neon art. i completed the game this time at least. but i still found the handling very annoying.
Update 2 done, tell me if you think this fixes the problem.
hmm... I'm torn between a legitimate review.. and responding to ZuiGe's comment below. I feel his comment was idiotic enough to warrant a response. Of course he will then be able to respond to mine and I won't be able to respond to his. But that's fine. I feel that from his losing position, the last word isn't much to ask.
First off: don't ever use your timeframe as an excuse. in general you just shouldn't make excuses about your work. when you do that you're basically saying "yes I am aware I screwed up or this sucks or I failed, etc. but here's why" No one cares about why. There were plenty of LD entries that were far and away better than this.
Secondly: no it is not appropriate to have that placeholder text there. to take emailforturnitin75's comment one step further, it would have been better to omit the text than to include it period. regardless of whether there was a story. not having a story is ok. theme is far more important than story and your game has a present theme, which works. it gets by without a story. but you saying "hey btw i am too lazy or stupid to think up a story so... *excuse*" is simply pathetic.
thirdly: you should be sorry he thought your game was a waste of time. it means you failed with respect to him. i don't think it was a waste of time but i do think it was bad and poorly designed. i liked the concept, but i hated that rotation was analog instead of done in discrete 90 degree intervals. that plus your crappy hitboxes made this unplayable.
finally: you ask a reviewer to make a game? that's your response to criticism? you don't have to be a game creator to review/play games. you have to be a game reviewer/player. i don't have to be a chef to know food tastes bad, an artist to know that kindergarden fingerpainting isn't artistic genius, or a musician to know when music sounds bad. i *am* a game designer and programmer but i wouldn't need to be either of those things to see the flaws in your game.
i look forward to either your defensiveness or silence.
I'm sorry for being rather crude and cornered in my response earlier. You're absolutely right. I shouldn't lash out at critics telling them to make their own games. That was totally uncalled for. I guess there's lots of emotion involved with reading critique on a project you've just finished; especially when you're trying to do something new just to find out the idea wasn't quite as good as expected. I understand that now.
I still do disagree about the fact that the story placeholder being there was a huge mistake. The reason for leaving it in was to have a remnant of the 48 hour creation process visible to the player. It doesn't take away from the gameplay and additionally points out how unnecessary stories really are in small games like this. I should've just pointed out the sarcasm clearer than that. Perhaps if the gameplay would've been as great as I had hoped for this the intent would've been more obvious.
Thank you for pointing out my lack of manner there. My apologies to the reviewer to whom I responded earlier in crude fashion.
i demand a mute button that increases difficulty.
honestly i seriously don't understand why this isn't a 4+ star submission. but i happen to love this style.
great work. would have given 6 stars but i subtract 1 for lack of difficulty increasing mute button
Hahahahaha :p
+1 for the button
If at least 10 people asks me for the button, I promise to add it.
don't just a game by it's icon on the front page. that's all i have to say regarding this one
Hehe, I like the icon, but maybe too much pink for most poeple, or too much bunny... thanks for the 5 stars!
i just.. don't understand why you'd make it so we have to jump with the same finger we're using to hold down duck to build up the super jump... that is such a terrible choice for a control scheme
Check out the controls, there are many options. Use the space bar instead or the W key. Also, the super jump isn't required to complete the game.
Joined on 2/19/05