your keybindings are all jacked up.
i had to hit 'z' to do things that said you were supposed to hit 'a'
very annoying.
re: dev
obviously i knew the keybindings weren't actually broken. i was just angry that you made the design choice to depict them in-game, as gameboy controls when they aren't.
you do not understand how to do something in a theme. the specific details of the letter associated with a button on a gameboy are not the thing that makes it a gameboy.
you could have had the same visuals and style and just used the actual keyboard letters. it would still be just as much true to the theme as your game already was.
getting hung up on details like that is an issue that often creeps up in design when the dev's priorities are misaligned.
and that's why you need smart people working with you to check and course-correct you.
one person in isolation (with the exception of people with +5-6 s.d. iq's like me) gets less aligned with what's truly good over time.