no level select and the rotation controls being reversed from what they should be hurt this game a lot.
no level select and the rotation controls being reversed from what they should be hurt this game a lot.
You can swap rotation controls in the settings. Sadly the demo doesn't feature level select right now, but it is in the full game.
you move and slide around too fast for how small everything is.
people evolving in this universe would have no problem correctly solving the "can a plane take off on a treadmill?" problem.
Lol at the treadmill problem.
It sucks that you didn't find it fun, hopefully you'll find one of my future games to be more to your liking.
message me or respond to this review if you ever release on steam.
I've been in the process of gettting the Steam page reviewed, I'll send a dm when it's up!
uh.. not locking the cursor into the game window.. and having the cursor be almost invisible amidst bullet mayhem.. and the game not detecting relative mouse movements when the cursor is outside of the window..
i'm surprised this game has a rating over 2 stars due to all that. i have no doubt those things made the game unbearable for most.
Thank you for trying! I will consider changing the cursor in the next version
awesome. loved this. would rather it be an open level design with the 4 abilities or at least the shoot/gravity/dash ones being unlocked gradually ala metroidvania
but still fantastic.
Glad you like it! I've been meaning to make a metroidvania for the longest time, but I had a different idea for this game.
EDIT: Demo 2 is out here, and on Steam if you want to wishlist the full game:
dash does nothing...????
It makes a displacement that even allows you to pass through enemies 😿
yep it's fixed. nice
idk why it does that, this was made with a turbowarp newgrounds extension and i was unable to fix it cuz like i wasnt able to contact the extension maker but ok i guess. edit: oh shit i think i know what i messed up, still have idea why that happens but it should be fixed now maybe???
uh.. why does jumping right before a drop never work?
re: dev: i heard there was this thing where people get defensive against criticism and lash out.
really cool aesthetic (other than the muffled wanna-be-NES voices which are just jarring, hard to hear, volume-wise, and annoying)
but it's simply way way too hard to drive. handling is terrible.
you need to playtest with varying friction, acceleration, and turn sensitivity until you find a sweet spot where handling feels great. a good sign is that it almost feels "OP" to the player.
re dev: ahh I didn't know it was based on the unstable theme. that makes perfect sense then. i raised my score
Hi miss sharpnova, thank you for the review it is most appreciated. We are sorry about the muffled cheap and retro audio that is probably hurting your ears. Our equipment is limited in the studio and our sound guy works 6 days a week as a English teacher and all we had was a cheap pair of FIVE|FIVE headphones with a mic that has unbelievable white noise. It was either that or use a distortion filter. As for the handling, this was a game jam entry and the theme was unstable so we just couldn't resist making people frustrated with that sorry. Thank you for the review again you are awesome and we will take what you have said into consideration.
very original idea
Thanks! ^^
Joined on 2/19/05