'x' throwing the object you're holding by default is very very VERY annoying.
oh and some of the puzzles require you to be so fast (hitting a button and jumping over to a box that is disintegrating from the button and leaping off it up onto a ledge and leaping out off the ledge to catch the replacement box mid-fall and doubling back mid-air to get that box up on the ledge for laser redirection.. and all of this in like a half second. that's unreasonable. just because i can pull it off doesn't mean any other player can.
also in this very puzzle, there was a bug where once i'd pulled that off there was an emancipation grill up top, making it impossible to get over there with the fan cube. when i reset the level, it just didn't do that again so i was able to beat it. very frustrating level. and the x throwing instead of dropping by default was game-breakingly bad.
it still gets a 5 from me because this type of game is my favorite cup of tea
re author: well when i looked up a walkthrough to hopefully find a more natural way of doing it, i literally found someone doing it the exact way i did it.
you obviously need to refactor the design on that level. if you didn't intend anyone to be fast then you did something hilariously wrong.
also re author: don't call it a fizzler. call it an emancipation grill (like i did) because that is absolutely what it is. pay respect to your inspirations. don't try to pretend they didn't inspire you, as in the case of portal 2 directly for that particular mechanic.