why do you just straightup end the game.. ? why not let us continue upgrading?
why do you just straightup end the game.. ? why not let us continue upgrading?
Thanks for your feedback.
I was thinking the game does end a bit to abruptly. The original idea was for it to have a story, but I like your idea of making it a true survival game. I may change it to have an Arcade/Story mode and an Endless / Survival mode.
Good idea, thanks.
nice one.
though these games that launch an entire tab when you get to the end are exactly why flash has been deprecated.
short but nicely packed with puzzles
i really don't see how I was supposed to find that tile.
i did by holding tab in every room until i noticed it. but i really doubt that was your intent. holding tab has always been a flash pixel-hunting exploit. and your later games are immune to it anyway.
short but fun
your notation for division is backwards.
also not using the orbs for anything made collecting them feel like a waste of time.
that pool looked inviting af.
but i've always hated that you think "down" means to go "up" in the alphabet.
also i had to look at a walkthrough to get slope. and rather than explain anything you just moved your mouse around the I = N thing and swirled the mouse around. what a lazy way to explain the puzzle. it explains nothing.
also the aggressive way you respond to criticism is so funny to me. i've been considering having a talk with NG staff and having you blocked from responding to reviews. every single time i've seen you get aggressive and defensive with someone, they were right and you were wrong.
I mean seriously. I = N? And swirling the mouse around I = N is going to explain to people that you're trying to say that N corresponds to roman numeral I? don't you think that's a bit abstruse? it certainly seems simple when I summarize it but do you really think there is a logical connection there? and that with 18 you'd loop around the alphabet?
bad puzzle design. i'm stating very clearly and politely: you designed that puzzle badly.
puzzles can be hard. that's not the issue. do you think the hardest puzzle you've ever included in a game was even 1/10 as hard as harder puzzles in the co-op chambers in portal 2? nope. they were FAR more difficult and complex. but i was able to blast through all of those because they were well designed.
you get half a star for the pool and half a star for having the ice pick hidden on the door frame.
that is all. if you respond here, i will edit my review with a response.
i do not want you to.
took me awhile to figure out the sign of the cross puzzle.
nice. i like the bigger ones like this. but the loose tile in the bathroom was a complete random pixel hunt
particularly good one, imo.
didn't much care for the victory music though.
a little bit of the pixel huntyness which i generally don't like but i didn't need a walkthrough so it was reasonable.
Joined on 2/19/05