level 31 is impossible. also level 12 in under 5 seconds is impossible. it takes more than that to just get to him
i was ready to 5/5 this but i can't in good conscience rate an unbeatable game higher than 0.
level 31 is impossible. also level 12 in under 5 seconds is impossible. it takes more than that to just get to him
i was ready to 5/5 this but i can't in good conscience rate an unbeatable game higher than 0.
There is another way to beat level 12, which is out of the box. or in this case out of the screen
got every medal except outtake on 3rd try.
game is too simple.
well, that wasn't very nice.
i have played every game ever made and this is the best one. i'm talking about classic console and pc games, current console and pc games. and future console and pc games. all web games.
this is better than every game that is better than it. (which is a lot because this is somewhat poor but passable)
Thanks for your feedback!
Use "planetâEUTMs" gravity to kill all zombies!
E=mc^2 next to a picture of apple falling to planet.
clicking as much as a pixel outside of a tiny little region designated for the Play button after the preloader takes you to another site?
are you kidding me?
and to top it all off, you're oa studio. so you're not reading reviews. you're not giving the slightest crap about our feedback.
i wish i could give this a negative million stars.
Hey, thanks for your respond. This is our very old game and it have a lot of bad moment, check out newest one, such as wheely 5: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/659808 it is more quality one
level 14 is just.. i'm sorry. i like the aesthetic of this
main problem is that the core mechanic is unoriginal and not implemented in a unique way. obviously every game can't have its own core mechanic.. but this is really only worse than VVVVVV
please fix level 14. i'm not going to make hundreds of attempts like the reviewer below me. i already paid my dues 106%'ing super meat boy.
Hi - I know the core mechanic has been done before, I really just wanted to try my hand at making a gravity flip game. I feel level 14 is fine the way it is, it is difficult but certainly not impossible. Thanks for the feedback though :)
i love td games where you can't upgrade your towers
Lolllllllll Thanks for giving it a go anyway
In the next game I'll make sure to include upgrades :b
the pixels on my screen in the rectangle that makes up the flash window were of various colors. they also emitted strange sounds akin to music and various sound effects.
forgot to mention. the colors of the pixels changed a lot.
have you try to look for patterns in these pixel colors and their connections with the sound? If you manege to do that I would recommend you to also try to connect this with things like motion and story and maybe even mechanics but I can't ask for too much
incredibly short. incredibly easy. i got every puzzle instantly in a few clicks. the last one was just ridiculous. move all to center, rotate.. ur done.
the design was awesome though. you just need to make it longer, harder, and have upgrades.
just kidding about the upgrades.
Haha, nice. Yeah, definitely going to make a longer one. This was just a test. Thanks for playing!
Joined on 2/19/05