black screen.
black screen.
i like it but i wish the numbers and icons had higher resolution. it's really jarring in the grid
You could barely see one of those but you can also click these to zoom in! I also tried doing that while I was in progress to this game :)
I followed the instructions in the author comments carefully. I was not ever able to do anything in the very first level.
I walked around. Hit X everywhere to use items and nothing ever did anything.
k this is awesome and obviously better than NG deserves. but i have a couple big gripes
1: the enter key to advance tutorial-type stuff. you do realize our left hand is over on WASD and our right hand is on the mouse right? this is a cardinal sin in game design
2: the boss had some annoying unfair mechanics
-blocking her dash only worked about half the time
-the floating purple crystals were often impossible to hit. so why even make destroying them a mechanic? if they're higher than your jump then even if you cheese your way up (which is the only way to reach a vertical point higher than one regular jump since you WEIRDLY omitted a double jump) swinging at the purple crystals would not destroy them.
-that stupid ability the boss did on you when you were wailing on it where it hit you a ton of times to knock you away. don't make it a sequence of hits where each leads into the next with no way to break the combo
-the hitbox on the big spinning blue laser attack by the boss is just stupid. i shouldn't have to be "way over" to dodge it. if i'm visually not touching it then that's it. i don't take damage. period. end of discussion. fix it.
3: # of restarts shown as a stat after killing a boss?
-uhm. if i want that slammed in my face i'll let you know. i'll literally send you an email asking you to include that stat. i don't want something saying "hey you suck! you needed 1 restarts to beat the boss, you couldn't do it on your first try!" yeah. i didn't ask. i wouldn't ask. and no one wants it. so get rid of that slap in the face insult.
still good and i've wishlisted on steam. but i want to see these three things fixed.
#1 probably isn't as big a deal as the others because i'll obviously be using a controller when i play the full release.
#3 is non negotiable. if the insult mechanic (a real great way to ingratiate yourself to players after they beat a frustrating boss and are on edge and probably furious) is still present in the final version, it'll be a pass for me.
#2 top priorities are fixing the dash attack not being blockable half the time for no good reason, the hitbox on the laser, and the purple crystals being so inexplicably difficult to destroy. the other things i mentioned in this point aren't as important.
you're welcome for the feedback.
I'm really not a fan of games with that odd, awkward, slow horizontal acceleration
also there are parts where you're supposed to jump down but can't see far enough down to know where/if you should jump.
also grabbing feels quite awkward and broken.
game freezes a lot. and full screening it makes the left half of the screen black.
you can barely move around or accelerate without the boxes flying out.
the point of the game is to not have the boxes fly out.
the core mechanic is moving around and accelerating.
see the problem here?
what is a "shadow" from what i could tell it was some of the letters in the text in the first level...
and you randomly grapple while moving around, killing your flow.
the controls are terrible as is the screen view. it needs to zoom out more or pan up or something.
all around terrible.
Shadows are all of the game objects that aren't you or the portal. Controls are definitely tough to get used to. Mainly you just want to click and hold if you are wanting to shoot, and then just change direction instead of tapping for precise movement. As for screen size, I considered zooming out more, but when you need to click on the pieces to grapple them, it makes it more difficult to do so. It's all a tough balancing act! Thanks for playing
doesn't make sense. i just go around randomly taking pictures of.. nothing. and then.. go up and bump into a picture near the boat and my % goes up.
Thanks for playing anyway! There's a little tutorial on the main menu that explains what to do and why you're doing it, hope this helps!
Joined on 2/19/05