there are so many things about this that need to be fixed. if you were pressing jump at the end of a run you jump at the start of the next run and due to the extremely bad level design, this often results in an instant death.
signs which appear to be a background element kill you... what?
low (knee-level) rooftops are foreground elements you harmlessly run behind... what?
this is just badly designed. it could be nice.
also, the music is jarring, inappropriate, and terrible.
you need some kind of cyberpunk style music. not this.. 1991 lemmings style music
but the main thing is just the collidable elements as i mentioned and the persistence of action state through death and the lack of any kind of an initial free flowing run to get the player started before hitting them with kill states.
the art was the one redeeming thing. which gets you up to 0.4 stars. but you only used one sig fig in your gravity so i can only use 1 sig fig in my rating