the level where you start with 6 and need to finish with 1 is impossible.
the level where you start with 6 and need to finish with 1 is impossible.
It's possible, keep trying :D
I think you're a bit underrated so I'm going to use my chad-tier vote power to increase your score a bit. But just know I'd actually give it a 3.5-4.
The environment is a bit drab. But the audio and handling is great. I don't like the idea that arrows are limited. Archery is a generally difficult combat mechanic in games. This is only exacerbated by limited ammo that you have to recover.
honestly this has a lot of potential. i like the art and the music.
i do not like the sound effects at all.
i do not like the death mechanic. i end up dying and bam i'm just transported back in time before i found map updates / life upgrades / etc.
possibly more frequent checkpoints would solve this problem.
very cool concept.
very nicely executed and underrated.
I really like this. But it is frustrating and difficult. I think the illumination mechanic needs some work. Or you need to make edges more forgiving. There's no doubt in my mind that I'm hitting the bare edges of ledges and falling through into spikes. With the limited visibility you can't be that strict. (actually unfair and beyond strict) with your collision detection. Or at least let us upgrade our radar or let us illuminate areas faster or in some cases mark them permanently.
There's a dozen things you could tweak to improve the visibility. Many of which involve no new mechanics.
Thanks a lot for playing the game and taking the time to do this detailed review/suggestions.
I've tweaked some things in the updated version to make it more accessible and not frustratingly difficult: raised HP from 4 to 5, made the sound waves last for 1.5x the time.
There are some inconsistencies with the cat's collision box, mostly because of how different the geometry of idle and walking animations are: in idle he's mostly vertical, when walking he occupies a much more "wide" geometry. I haven't figured out a good way to improve this.
very short. which i liked.
I think this needs to be touch screen only. This just doesn't work with keys. Too difficult.
I got 112 and I feel like that's about my limit.
This is a demo version designed for desktop, so touchscreen can't be implemented.
The full version is designed for mobile devices though, and implements the idea you've suggested: you have to tap between two ships to swap them.
You can try it out :)
This is way too hard. Something is wrong with you. Why would you release it in this unplayable state? Also why so small? Of course like any sentient being, I zoomed in. But then after a solid two minutes I found one difference. And I'd looked at the whole image so many times. Finding really clever ways you could have done things. And you did none of them.
Yeah no. I wish I could give this a negative score. This was terrible. You did a terrible job and I won't play anything by you again.
I'm a huge fan of how the spawn points can spawn right on you as you walk by them, doing damage. And doing damage the way this game likes to do damage, ie, spamming it on you practically every frame.
What a stupid design. At least have the spawn points light up or something when it's about to spawn.
That took me a nanosecond to think of. Pretty embarrassing for you, kid.
Also I absolutely LOVE how you can end up in a room with nothing spawning, but need $ to open a door to leave it. Brilliant design!!!!
ooh and the best part is surviving for a REALLY long time and killing a ton of enemies.. to end up getting maybe $50 more than when you only last a short time. great reward scaling!
also weapons don't reload when you're in slow mo.
response: what the hell does sooky mean? it sounds like a weeboo word tbh.
also your rationale on the spawning is bullshit and you know it. just because they START spawning when the timer ends doesn't mean they all just instantly spawn. they spawn over time. which basically means until everything has spawned, crossing a portal is off limits if you want to avoid damage.
it was a design flaw and i called you out on it with zero politeness. and you know what sucks? despite my rude demands, you still have to fix it :)
Wow very sarcastic review lol. Nothing is embarrassing to me. After 6 months of work, things start to slip through the cracks. If you have finished a big game, you may understand that one day. Also I can now go and perhaps make some changes.
The spawns always happen at the start when the timer ends, so if you were any good at being a gamer, you would know to avoid the doors during that startup time.
The game is also about money and ammo management as much as run and gun to add some stategy.
Also surprising you played the game a "REALLY long time" for a 1 and a half star game. You'd think you would have quit earlier if it was that bad? Sounds more like you rage quitted in a sooky tantrum when you died.
Thanks for the sarcastic review! 10/10
Joined on 2/19/05