oh man. this game understayed its welcome bigtime. i wanted more.
oh man. this game understayed its welcome bigtime. i wanted more.
the game doesn't even give you feedback when you get all the figurines. that's the least you could have done.
nice iteration on your formula. you are basically my goto for killing an hour, lately.
the movement arrows need to pop against the background a little better.
hope you make more in this style. it's kind of like agent-a
"this is a demo in which the content serves as a prologue for the final game"
"this demo is a prologue for the final game"
see the difference there?
re re: I'm still playing the game. I only set a placeholder score of 3 stars until I finish playing and then I'll give more detailed feedback. I'm fairly certain the score will be higher.
Thanks, I'll change that soon. Umm, is that all? Or would you like to add more to the review? I'd really like feedback on the game itself...
this is your worst game. (that i've played at least and i've played a lot of them)
the lockbox into which you enter 'GILROY' is literally impossible. i had to watch your walkthrough to figure out how to continue and there is suddenly a clickable region there leading to that lockbox..? but there is nothing visually there.
i got all the way to the point where i gave the old man the ale and he told me the ground was soft. so i clicked all around him (and even on him) with the shovel and nothing would work.
the pastel theme made it very difficult to tell what was clickable. still good though.
the fire store called. they want their soundtrack back.
wth? i just replayed this and the boss no longer has projectiles coming from the right side of the screen...
what did you do? lower the difficulty because people cried or something? that boss fight is lame and mindlessly easy now. it required minimal learning/timing before which was fun. k reducing from 5 stars to 4.5.
ok here are a list of incredibly annoying things.
the music is really really annoying. the way his voice keeps cutting sounds really REALLY fucking stupid.
the way when you turn in various directions there is a long delay before the character will turn in another direction. stupid and annoying
the kids cheering when you reach the end? kills any atmosphere you might have managed to luck into.
Joined on 2/19/05