I absolutely hate the UI.
There is no reason to force us to wait for the awkward animations to interact with things.
No reason for us to have two options (look and interact). Literally all point and clicks nowadays just do it with one. And if it's designed well it makes for a very seamless quick interface.
Also having the inventory pull up a whole screen of its own and forcing us to hold down the mouse and drag things off to use them on the environment feels incredibly clunky. Not to mention slow.
And when you do inspect something, having to wait for the animation of the portrait sliding over before the descriptive dialog appearse is clunky and cumbersome and annoying as heck.
The way the cursor doesn't react at ALL to being moved over an interactible region makes this a pixel hunt sort of game. Having to resort to clicking that lightbulb was very very ugly imo.
The art and music and sound effects are fantastic.
I'm at the part where I have a small cork. I powered up the robot and you know what? If it was a straightforward even remotely decent UI I'd keep trying every possible combination of sticking the cork in the teddy bear, the robot, the skull etc. and not be horrifically annoyed at the cumbersome UI. But I just can't.
It needs an absolute overhaul.
I feel awkward giving a game with production values this high such a low score, but it is close to unplayable.
And trust me. Your overall score of only slightly over 3 stars with a production quality this high is because of the UI. I'm sure I'm not the only one blown away by how cumbersome it is. I can't believe you made it this way tbh. I really hope you fix it. Because then this could be a lovely little gem.
edit: just an example: with this stupid small cork which has no logical bearing on anything in the environment i'm forced to open the inventory, click and hold, drag off the inventory, and try to click something else in the environment for EACH AND EVERY thing i experiment with. What on earth were you thinking..??
edit 2: ok so i plugged the hole and took off to the next location. as i said the art and sound are top notch which is why i really wanted to at least continue past that. and i would definitely play further if you overhauled the UI. but further than this i simply cannot. sorry.