i found level 17 very frustrating.
i found level 17 very frustrating.
loved this and the sequel.
"prep school horrors" sounds like it's unrelated to this series though and honestly doesn't sound like anything interesting to me. oh well.
after you make your visual novel or point and click or w/e about prep school hopefully you'll see these games were more popular and return to this awesome series.
incorporating incremental mechanics in the sequel was fire imo
I might also return to this series just because they're easier to make then an entire RPG :p
I just need the right game jam/inspiration!
who did the music?
I did :)
You can find the soundtrack to this game as well as 2 others in the same series here:
lmao you aren't capable of testing a game before launching?
there is a huge game breaking problem with the controls. play the game for five seconds and you'll see.
and next time you launch a game? rather than wildly mashing around script kiddy scripts and programmer art in some high level game engine, actually give the game at least one single test run first so you can see if there are any obvious glaring issues.
Hey there,
Are you referring to the issue with the arrow keys scrolling the page? I've been looking into that and actually rolled out the fix today. Otherwise, if you are referring to gun firing backwards, that part is intentional. The game is called Broken Guns for that specific purpose.
If you were referring to neither of those things, please go into further detail.
top class
very very annoying imo.
knowing what to do isn't enough. you have to hope it just "works" and doesn't kill you by a pixel.
the burgers underneath the platforms was really stupid.
one of the bests
too slow. but great art style, fantastic music and sound effects.
i might slightly tone down the music and add in ambient noise. and some background parallaxy stuff for depth.
but the main thing is the movement speed. it's just too slow.
it deserves a 5 for a few reasons. one. it's only about a 3 right now which is too low. it should be a 4. also it stands out because there haven't been many great games on NG in the past month
re: yes toggling the effects fixes the speed issue. but why the hell would your game be that intensive? i'm running a far more beastly computer than you or anyone you worked/tested/played this with. 3900x and 2080 Ti
Thanks for the feedback. Toggling effects off should solve the lag/slowdown issue for some players.
terrible controls.
nice graphics.
Joined on 2/19/05