some basic problems
Here are the primary problems with the game:
the radar doesn't show which barricades are up/down.
surround sound doesn't work properly so you can't determine which barricade just fell from where the sound is coming from.
occasionally when you try to play again after death, you get a black screen and that's it. from there you can hit space to return to your weapon/rank screen, but you can never get back to the menu.
there are no upgrades to increase armor.
some of the upgrades you need to purchase are things that should have been included no matter what: being able to save/continue.
ranking up is a little slow.
not much replay value.
would have more replay value if you could go outside and enter other buildings or vehicles or something. also need more enemies and a boss.
ending was crap. just a heart beat then a congratulations screen.
if these things were fixed this would be a record setting game.