i consider it a cardinal sin in gaming when the player is forced to move their hand between the keyboard and the mouse.
i consider it a cardinal sin in gaming when the player is forced to move their hand between the keyboard and the mouse.
No mention of the source of the sounds (Valve games, specifically Portal and Half life 2)
I don't like having to click twice to get to the next level and that the continue button is down in a corner while promotion links are dead center.
Another big flaw is that the name of the game is grayscale and that is a reference to nothing but the color scheme of the game. It in no way influences the game's mechanics. The name should have been to do with the actual mechanics at play.
Finally, I don't like games where there is a level selection screen and a clear boundary between levels with a score screen or something. It just makes games feel incredibly cheap. Much better to just transition smoothly from level to level without any reference to a level "number."
Lot of potential but some serious flaws.
but you can replay levels!
the electron is currently theorized to be a point particle. that means its radius is 0.
the milky way is significantly larger than the andromeda galaxy.
lots of inaccuracies here.
really good. really underrated.
might be nice to have a way to mitigate the minor frustration of the slow pacing of the bouncing. but i can't think of anything off the top of my head that doesn't significantly change the nature of the game, so i can't blame you for not having thought of one either. would probably have to be through level design.
holy crap the music is way too loud compared to the sound effects.
You can always mute the game. It's impossible to please everyone, you know. But if I'll be working on an update, I'll make the music a little bit quite.
No clue what I'm supposed to do on the second level. I swapped the two percentages and tried dropping the iceberg on everything or even holding it over stuff.. like over the factory to make it melt. I guess I'm missing something, but I'm pretty good at puzzle games.. so I'd say it needs to be more obvious.
This is weird, half of the people complaing that it is too easy, the other half too hard XD
You have to drop the iceberg in the ecuator, on left side :D
extremely buggy. first playthrough after he destroyed the ball, i clicked the other one and placed it on the field and it just started bouncing left and right. never reaching my paddle
second time through when i beat the breakout thing i clicked the trophy and it went somewhere. blew up or w/e i don't remember. but then when i needed to bring water to the tree.. i assume i needed to use that trophy but i didn't have it anymore.
not going to play a 3rd time just to run into another bug.
edit: played through it again and it ran perfectly. score updated
Thank you for your feedback.
I've fixed the issues you have discovered for the future non players.
Sorry about that!
This is great. I love the way it doesn't overstay its welcome.
My only complaints are lack of an undo function to trace backwards through your steps and the annoying pause when a switch is doing something or something is falling. I get that everything is supposed to go one step at a time, but those things should just happen faster.
That said, the second might not be a concern if the first were implemented.
Joined on 2/19/05