really awesome style and underrated as hell
really awesome style and underrated as hell
5% upgrade...?
i don't think you understand the point of upgrade-based games - it's the fun of progressing. getting stronger/richer/etc.
5% is nothing.
also the shooting and explosion noises are WAY too loud.. and not pleasant sounds either.
Thank you for your feedback. We will definitely review the upgrade system and audio in our future project.
the voice acting was unbearable.
the main char? i can't say what he sounded like without being labeled a couple times by political correct sheep.
the game itself is fun but the fact that i couldn't disable voices alone ruined it.
bugs. once i took an elevator up and was jumping up into the next screen while it went up and suddenly the view shifted to another room that didn't even have an elevator in it. i couldn't see myself. i could still use health packs and shoot but i couldn't see myself. i then hit r, and it reset the entire game
second time i just froze while a blue door was sliding down.
also i don't like the handling of the character
I'm sorry about the bugs but I'm thankful that you took the time to review and let me know of them so I can try and fix them, thanks
can you please explain the logic of spikes killing you if you just walk by them?
only a few games get this right.
btw, having it broken up into levels with a cheesy score at the end cheapens the hell out of the experience. i don't think you understand how much that reduces the ambiance of a game. you should just take them out.
why not let us play while the tutorial dialog is scrolling on some of the levels?
some of the levels have a bug where when you're on the top half of the level you're invisible. so you are like jumping behind some invisible wall.
that final bug was the reason i didn't complete this game.
i was really impressed by this game where i rapidly clicked through dialog and cllicked bubbles really quickly to beat the game in 15 seconds total.
i was being sarcastic when i said i was impressed by this game earlier.
why not earn multiple forks or something?
would make progression fun.
the humor is so.. overdone... that i just couldn't stomach this for more than 30 seconds.
"all your base are belong to us"
*picture of kim jong*
so funny. never done before.
just... please try to be original.
Joined on 2/19/05