Nice Twine-style game.
Needs some sound though. At least some ambient noise
Nice Twine-style game.
Needs some sound though. At least some ambient noise
Thank you, and thanks for the feedback. Sounds/Music are definitely on my list for the next update.
The best game I have ever played.
the up and down arrows scroll the browser.
an issue with many html 5 games where the author didn't know you have to jump through an easy hoop to avoid it.
so just fix that and overall i liked it. though it was a little dry with really just one mechanic (explosion)
Why put so much time and energy into code obfuscation? If the code is visible, then it should be as clear for others as it was for you. Also if that's a top priority for you then you're going the route of the asshole publishers that put more money into DRM than actually making a good game.
Your focus should be on making a fun game. Not making sure that no one can learn from your work or making sure no one can look for cheats in case that's the way they CHOOSE to play it.
Obscuring it just alienates people and pisses them off and drastically lowers their opinion of you, rightly so.
This needed upgrades. It was empty without.
-increase radius of effect of clicking
-increase money per hit
-decrease speed of targets
My focus doesn't have to anything other than what I want to be. I'm teaching myself good programming practices while making a game once a week. I finished the game and then encrypted the code, I didn't do it while programming so it doesn't take anything away. I don't want to make a game and never finish it like a lot of people I've read. I also don't want to take 6 months to finish a game like I did on my last one. One you rated on too and was hacked (which was okay, I was more happy that it spread around).
"People can break it if they really want to" is a very bad argument. Unless you admit to leaving your door wide open because someone can break into your house if they really want to.
Also, and that was the point, the code is not clear to me anymore after adding several layers of encryption. I have a personal reference map so I can reverse-engineer it and whatnot, and reuse it for later games.
And you are wrong on it actually helping people to learn. People don't learn anything more from looking at the code than just playing the game. Unless you are proud of the thousands of clones of Flappy Bird and whatnot. (I'm pretty sure they didn't learn anything from it.)
They actually WILL learn a lot more about code security if they look at my code on how it is done. Cause I learned a lot the security flaws in HTML5 apps, I didn't learn much from actually programming the mechanics.
Finally, I don't really care about the opinions of pirates. Not to say I hate pirates, cause I would pirate myself if given the chance. So I will only use the second half of your post as constructive criticism and I will slowly add upgrades. I was just not going to sit on the games for days, trying to think of new upgrades. When I have a new upgrade to add. I will simply update it.
I don't know why you are so heated about code obfuscation though.
14. don't know if that's good. don't like the idea of having no way to play since i don't know what's coming. very little strategy involved.
So unoriginal. So uninspired.
Some things are best left on your own computer. Part of your learning process or whatever. Not everything has to be uploaded and validated.
selfdefiant has made some games I enjoyed and that had cool atmosphere. Usually the dark ones.
But this wasn't on that level. The coins... it didn't so much as tell you how many coins you collected or the max at the end.
No animations whatsoever. No sound effects.
I feel this is the laziest thing they've ever done.
It's SC.
But you did it in flash and all by yourself. Even down to action queueing. This is some nontrivial stuff. I'm impressed by the technical aspect.
I couldn't really be bothered to play it, mainly because it didn't have a full screen option and didn't handle the mouse scrolling the map rather than minimap clicking better. And it didn't really have a compelling theme or story or novel mechanics that made me have any desire to play.
And yet it still deserves a 5 imo because of the technical aspect. I've programmed an ASCII based real time strategy game before and it didn't have a lot of the stuff here. This must have been a ton of work and it seemed pretty polished.
Thank you!
My next game will be a steam game, more creative, more stories, more vivid!
i can't stand all the dialog boxes i have to click through.
i hate reading in video games.
i feel like it's a crutch for people with weak imaginations.
at the least, the text shouldn't require clicks to ignore.
That slight delay on UI stuff like between when you click and they rotate and stuff makes the game feel jittery and unpolished.
Btw I was playing zoomed in because you made the game window and game elements so small.
Also this concept has already been done a million times. You didn't really add anything new of note.
Joined on 2/19/05