make the full game.
make the full game.
"start game in silent mode?"
This is an incredibly ambiguous way of wording the simple "do you want this game to have sound?" question.
I feel it was initially come up with in mobile games by non-english speaking developers and somehow caught on.
I don't like ambiguity in games. It is bad game design.
i just don't understand why we have to wait for the text to be typed out for each item when navigating the shop menu. especially after having already sat through the excruciatingly slow process before.
controls are terrible
upgrade items are way too expensive.
it's all in the wrist.. or what's left of it after this carpal tunnel inducing nightmare.
No need to worry about carpal tunnel, when there is RSI to save you.
way too wordy. music doesn't fit. art styles contrast. it might be that the font doesn't jive with the pixel art.. and in some spots the art is too high of resolution to fit with the pixelated art elsewhere
also the window is way too small for this game. i zoomed in with my browser up to roughly doubling the window size and had a much better gameplay experience.
also the handling felt a bit too touchy. end up flying over the edges of platforms a bit too much for my taste. you'd do the game a surface to give sliding/ground-contact a higher friction more tactile feel.
as i'm writing this review.. the music is striking me as terrible for this game.
i can tell a lot of work went into this.. unfortunately there isn't anything i can say about it that is positive.
somewhat laggy.
is it because I'm using chrome? it can't be my PC since my PC dominates yours and anyone else's.
it's a $400,000 real-time ray tracing (20 bounces per light ray) gaming rig that can play games with pixar movie quality in real time.
My computer was bought from a mexican street vendor in an alley behind 7-11 and it runs the game just fine. I bet it's a flash player version issue. Right click and make sure you're using flash player 11.8.
I'm also using chrome, so that's probably not it either.
difficulty was nonsense. i tried baby first and died fairly quickly.
there was a very noticeable lag in between mouse movement and nyan movement.
also the art style seemed thrown together.
plus i'm not a fan of flash animations that use tiny windows. no one uses a resolution that small so why not utilize more space? too much effort to generate more/larger art assets?
this is simply riddled with bugs and bad game design choices. i'm sorry this could not be more overrated.
umm.. Thank you? lol
I just love how most people judge this as if this game was made by professional video-game designers.. But it's not...
Anyway, this is your opinion and I appreciate it :3
company of myself much?
Joined on 2/19/05