After I beat the first level and it took me to the training screen, the interface was so completely unintuitive and unexplanatory that I was instantly turned off.
After I beat the first level and it took me to the training screen, the interface was so completely unintuitive and unexplanatory that I was instantly turned off.
Sorry for that. The game is definitely not the best example of casual time-killer
I really liked this. Except for three somewhat serious gripes:
1. The window is WAY too small. I don't know why many developers don't understand this. Especially those targeting browsers. But we're not using 1024 x 768 anymore. I use a 1440p display which is the rational choice. The bulk of people who haven't figured that out yet are using 1080p. And at both of those resolutions this is unpleasant on the eyes. I zoom in to play. I should not have to.
2. Way too slippery. Does not allow for the tight handling that makes a great platformer shine.
3. I'm not sure why you felt the need to have gravity be so high. I'd definitely tweak that.
I liked the minimalist approach. The audio fit but there should have been a little more to the ambiance. Some subtle parallax or particle details. Jumping (color shifting) sound. Landing sound.
The art was good too. It made me nostalgic about the days of games like ZZT and MZX that utilized ASCII characters to surprisingly deep effect.
Thanks for the detailed review!
1. In retrospect, it is too small. Since I don't want to use any smoothing/AA my options for re-sizing are limited. I'll be working on that!
2. I've increased traction so hopefully this isn't as much of an issue.
3. I got so used to the gravity during dev I didn't realize how high it was. Tweaking will happen.
I don't understand why you made a clone of Wario Ware and then called your game Not a Clone.
Is it supposed to be a joke that you ripped off another game completely?
Hi, sharpnova! Great question. The title, much like the original prototype, is sarcastic. Not only is it a clone of WarioWare, but it's also a clone of a ton of mobile games. In a way, it is meant to point out the shallowness of these games while trying to be fun at the same time.
Making it an aiming/timing issue made this not a puzzle game at all.
The art and sound was ok. The UI was bad because of the long delay in between attempts.
The mechanics were just annoying.
Ok, guess that just wasn't the right game for you. The mechanics actually work pretty fine but yes, it is rather a "skill" game with some puzzle elements than a pure "puzzle" game. "Puzzle - Toss" was still the most suitable genre to choose. Sorry for the misunderstanding here ;)
I think you could have come up with a cleverer rationale for shopkeepers charging heroes than excessive taxes.
Do you have any suggestions? Originally, we wanted to make it feeding your family, but I thought that would be too dark for the tone of the game, and too close to Papers, Please.
It was off to a nice start but I couldn't figure out the four digit combination in the first room.
I am VERY good at puzzle games. I tried every possible permutation on the shapes of the letters in WOOF, the numerical equivalents of the letters. Products/sums. Trying to incorporate all the graffiti on the walls. The four people. Everything.
Whatever the answer is it's so abstruse that it ruins this.
You're overthinking it. Turn your head sideways.
This was sick.
Parallax effects. Particle effects. Metroidvania. All in a 32^2 field. Very cool.
Thanks! The parallax effects are rather subtle. Glad someone noticed.
The theme is childish.
I like the main theme but it gets interrupted by the constant farting noises which ruins it.
Art is ok.
The second game I died more or less instantly because I wasn't sure how to keep my guy in the air and there were no hints or instructions. And I wasn't about to induce carpal tunnel syndrome by replaying the game and hammering keys to get through part one again.
You criticized another reviewer for not telling you how to improve it.
That wasn't his job nor is it mine.
I'm only telling you what I don't like about it. You're the creator.
thanks for the comment but i was only saying it would be helpful next time - no intend to offend anyone :)
some of the dialog was inspired if not directly taken from edgar allen poe's the raven.
"thrilled me filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before"
A girl's gatta have some secrets
pretty much perfect.
please make more.
another in this style would be amazing but i'm just curious to see anything from you now.
Wow, thank you! The plan is to make this into a full length experience :)
Joined on 2/19/05