the length and frequency and unskippability of dialog and cutscenes was beyond infuriating.
the length and frequency and unskippability of dialog and cutscenes was beyond infuriating.
5/5, but man did i get sick of how you get stuck on corners and walls so badly.
very nice
it's such an absolute cardinal sin in games to constantly force the player to move their hands between the keyboard and mouse. why on earth did you do that?
wait a sec.....
you have us use the arrow keys, which are right-handed keys and then also require us to use the mouse?
that just... yeah. that is such a huge oversight i have no idea how/why you launched the game like this.
lol and the tooltip says to press up to jump... and up doesn't work, spacebar does.
this is one of the least polished things i've ever seen.
lmao... on second level you have control of your character before the scene even pans to them so you can easily just run right into the saw blade.
and the height of your double jumps is so inconsistent.
this is just a 0/5 across the board. i only kind of liked the music. the sound effects were horrible.
We will polish it for user convenience. Thanks for the review.
I don't understand why you would make a game like this and then put creatures in it that kill you.
There is literally nothing you can actually do to avoid that.
Thank you for the feedback, yes, basically the idea was, that the player has to outmanuvre the creatures and push the "missing" button at their "exhibition place", and that's all the player can do to survive. In this version, there are a bit too much of them, and they do come a bit too fast, so it is quite hard, I'll try to balance it out better, and maybe add some options to keep them away.
you hella dead son shiet?
way to put in the effort to implement an actual fps and then throw any chance i would ever take you or the game seriously down the drain one death screen.
two stars for the working 3d engine implementation and ambient music/noise.
obnoxiously long death animation.
willhelm scream really? it has never been funny in any movie/show/game ever. it always just breaks immersion. and makes the author seem amateurish.
Joined on 2/19/05