enjoyable but audio flaws
lack of sound effects and a bad sound track hurt this game's overall playability
controls were smooth and responsive
enjoyable but audio flaws
lack of sound effects and a bad sound track hurt this game's overall playability
controls were smooth and responsive
great, original game
i would give this an 11/10 if it were 10% better
great as always
great balance and fun.
only wish that after you beat it it'd let you continue. i'd like to get all my lasers up to level 5.
edit: revisiting this years later (9-11-20) i wonder if it was tweaked to be even easier? i just bought up a bunch of turrets and only had to shoot manually on the first couple of days. by day 13, i had 3 laser turrets on every floor and about 1/3 of them upgraded to level 2
fun but broken
fun game but some of the features are broken
"highest score obtained" no longer works
mega bullets don't work
and your progress isn't saved when you refresh the game.
i'm assuming this is due to the way this flash game used cookies
missed the mark
great potential.. but there are no upgrades.. no real incentive for leveling other than unlocking more randomly spawned weapons..
this could have been a lot better if you could upgrade damage, health, armor, abilities, etc.
it's fun, but on level 24, the ability to stick to ceilings doesn't seem to work, making the level unbeatable.
all things considered, awesome
Considering how quickly this came out after the first installment, this is a great game.
well done, sir. well done.
impossible for shaman
well it's impossible for a shaman to kill the first boss
can't really give you a star for this one can i?
you really expect us to grind up to twice the normal level for that quest to complete it just because you screwed up, messed up, blew it, totally screwed up and didn't give us any stun or silence until level.. uhm let me see.. level 24!!
lol! the quest is easily reached by level 12. actually i reached it much earlier and i wasn't doing anything to progress quickly.
you're just bad.
also this game gets laggier and laggier the longer you leave it open.
that's called... *drum roll* A MEMORY LEAK!!!
and memory leaks are caused by... *drum roll* BAD PROGRAMMERS!!!
I'm looking into this issue and will post a fix ASAP. Murloc RPG 2 has over 100,000 lines of code. We did our best to bug test, but there are bound to be glitches that we missed!
fun smooth game. wish gear would list what slot it goes in though. that was very annoying.
having to buy a gear only to find out that it doesn't replace the item you thought it would.
waste of $ and time.
also the inventory could be a little larger. i think one more row would have been perfect.
Joined on 2/19/05