a 5/5 as always deserved by nitrome
a 5/5 as always deserved by nitrome
hooked me for an hour.
i would definitely give some indication of which monster is currently targeted.
looting and targeting monsters is such a pain in the ass.
-more musical tracks
-target icon showing what is targeted
-auto attack when attacked
-npc's that you can sell your junk to for gold that you can use to buy potions and gear
-larger hitboxes on loot.
very poorly done. since it was grid based, why didn't you simply have the character move smoothly according to the grid rather than freely?
would have made this playable.
this was just terrible.
nice. reminds me of company of myself and the sequel. pixel-graphic retro themed art flash games in general
thanks! company of myself is a big inspiration. So the comparison is honouring :)
not sure what tuxillo is talking about.
pretty much every game nitrome makes is pure awesomeness.
i'm very critical of flash games and play pretty much everyone that hits any of the big 3 flash portals. and nitromes are always top notch. some of them rank among my favorite all time flash games.
this one was no exception.
awesome. genius idea. beautifully done.
this is frustrating in a not-fun-at-all way.
this felt more like an interlude between the previous and next game than an actual sequel. you should have called it myosotis 2*10^0 + 5*10^(-1)
pretty much great across the board.
i subtracted a star because your advertisement to "support" you or w/e kept popping up and i'd have to move my hand from the keyboard to the mouse to close it. (i tried hitting 'r' to reload the level but it would just keep reloading that ad)
this killed immersion and made death a nuisance.
ESC works well to close the popup ;)
oh.. my.. god..
the stupid physics when you hit a wall or a car.
oh.. my.. god..
blam.. this.. TRASH.
Joined on 2/19/05