0/5 game.
i'm sure it's a nice graphic novel.. but this was submitted as a game.
0/5 game.
i'm sure it's a nice graphic novel.. but this was submitted as a game.
Yeah I... have no clue how to shape shift and I've tried every key combination.
So this game is really stupid
Did you press D to see the combinations?
Did you unlock any shapes? You can't shapeshift if you haven't unlocked any shapes!
Excellent. Just the right difficulty. Looks and sounds great. You have been rewarded with my five, which means more than most. I'm one of the more intelligent people here.
thanks! appreciate it. if you want more, there's more: http://hamsteroncoke.com/zenge/ :)
The jumpscare is good but delivering it to us by pretending there's some kind of puzzle to solve or way to progress in the first area is cheap.
You can't do anything but look at doors to make them close. Nothing else is interactible.
Well I have to say you are right.
Good thing this is the last game of it's type.
Three upgrades for the pistol:
fire rate
and... bullet??
Why not explain what that means.
A lot of text to read. I feel that this type of player training is disrespectful to the player.
There is always an organic way to train the player.
Smaller levels with fewer elements at first.
A game like this could easily be taught without a single word. And the player would enjoy it massively more for not having to read so much.
The best and smartest players hate reading the most. Because it doesn't allow them to use their brains and figure things out for themselves. In general, reading allows the brain to shut off, like watching a movie, and not have to think for itself or solve any problems.
Also... oh these good old days when flash authors didn't even allow movement to be WASD
Very laggy and I have a beastly machine.
UI elements just have a delay after use and it's a full freeze of game so it just makes it feel very amateur and unpolished.
The aesthetics and game design are great though and I am still playing it idly. (just leaving it open and repeatedly running same levels until I can upgrade enough to do much higher levels. Rinse repeat and enjoy the way the game keeps adding more stuff like more abilities/spells/blueprints/etc.
Please fix the lag.
If a game is too slow for you - just get some spells. That will keep you busy during battle.
If a game is lagging - try disabling ads on page(NG supporter for example will release your CPU from ads as well).
If you feel that you dont have enough gold - try rearrange your army, position them better, craft appropriate items. It is fun to have All-DPS army, but it will not work. This is strategy, not a time clicker.
You have to have tanks, dps, support at proper positions.
It won't load anything.
Should test on all major browsers before uploading games.
Even level 4 is impossible. Unless I am completely missing a mechanic.
All you can do is make a frozen version of yourself that you can use as a stepping stone. There is no way to beat level 4. I was able to do 5. Six was too hard. 1-3 were fine. 4 being impossible told me this game probably wasn't tested.
None of the levels are unbeatable and it was tested.
I don't understand why you can't restart levels with a simple keypress, like 'r' or something. Very frustrating on some levels.
Also, when a player tries to jump very very soon before touching the ground, it should still work. It's just one of those things platformers generally do. It feels rigid and unpolished otherwise.
Joined on 2/19/05