Ewwwwwww at the low gravity. It feels so horrible.
Ewwwwwww at the low gravity. It feels so horrible.
I am pretty sure that is lag. Thank you for playing though! ^^
I died and had to sit through intro and even select adventure mode again.
The handling feels bad. No matter what as you coast down after dashing or w/e, you will never land on a platform.
The difficulty isn't balanced well.
Also, in game there is a lot of non-english stuff at the start when teaching you controls which... well now that I think of it, I was rating this 2.5, but I'm lowering it to 1.5 for that.
No prob! Thanks for the input. Gonna check those things about the localization files! Sorry :D
I'd like to point something out. On your first release of this you mentioned "It is unfinished. It's like 95% done but the last little bits never quite came together. Programmer after programmer dropped out before it could all be quite placed how I wanted."
I think it's unkind that you did not give credit to the other programmers who worked on this. That is very unprofessional.
They were unprofessional for bailing!
That said... most of them i don't have contact info for. And none of them respond to me when I try, like honestly.
Can you explain why you thought space would be a good key for shooting? Lol.
I just feel so comfortable, I can not adapt to all, everyone has their own office. In the future there will be options. Where you can change controls.
I liked absolutely nothing about this. Honestly... ugh. The only feedback that I could give you that would be helpful would be seen as offensive. So I won't.
Not everything is for everyone I guess...
I found the one in the image linked to in the review before me pretty much impossible to get to even with all previous power ups. Of course I tried tapping. You never needed to mention that. It was obvious.
So I cheat engined my fuel to get it and beat the game.
You overtuned that part.
Do you know what that means?
That means you were the developer. Despite you probably being bad at games, you were overly good at that part because you tweaked and tweaked it and were the one who designed it and playtested and over playtested. In the end it resulted in something with too small a margin of error.
Does that make sense to you? Are you able to grasp that?
Also, add a metroidvania tag.
See Gdrocker's Review for the answer you seek : )
Rubble games... and a zombie or something under it.
And it sits there.. forever.
Great title screen that never progresses.
Can you give me a bit more info please, such as browser and os?
"destroy the weapons with your hammer to get resources" etc.
uhm. pressing a does nothing. you don't even have a weapon at the start.
also nothing tells you how to close the prompts that pop up. 'd' is not an obvious key for that. i had to spam my keyboard.
very bad player training.
Tutorial say:"Destroy the objects with the Hammer Icon to gather materials".
You need a weapon to do that, and the weapon is in a chest.
To close the menu just watch the help bar in the bottom right corner.
got free and ran over and found some sheep. i tried to chase the sheep back into the sheep pen. but it just stopped at the gate. then i tried to chase it in the opposite direction over to the car crash but couldn't cuz the sheep was all the way to the right so i couldn't get to the right of it.
i'm assuming that's what i was supposed to do cuz spamming everything i could at every location in the map did nothing. banging on the gate did nothing but make a noise. couldn't do anything with the house. couldn't do anything at the car. etc.
Thanks, yes this is a Big Bug ^^ So i fix it now I think it's OK for the Sheep :-)
so... i didn't ue the +50 rep bonus... and killed a bunch of guys. so that's a bunch of rep i permanently lost access to? how stupid.
Your ship was ad free, it's a moral choice.
Joined on 2/19/05