nice. an improvement would be to have the resolution be sharp and get more pixelated as the game goes on
nice. an improvement would be to have the resolution be sharp and get more pixelated as the game goes on
i think this game clearly implies i will inherit one billion dollars within the next few years
getting an award freezing progress of the game means this isn't really an idle game though
i are dieded.
great atmosphere
visual novels are not games.
i'm not saying they're not art and don't deserve recognition. but my rating is based on rating this as a game, which it is not.
no arms or legs is basically how you exist now
how do you restart/reset a level...?
one thing i'll never understand about game devs like this is how they can be so utterly out of touch with basic human nature.
first off...OF COURSE every player is going to skip upgrading anything after the first level. who would want to upgrade their health first..??
why make the fire rate upgrade so small and lame?
why have literally only one meaningful upgrade: damage
why not have other cool stuff like projectile speed, splitting/spread penetration/etc. etc.
instead.. a bunch of upgrades that aren't fun or empowering at all and one that is worth a damn.
i'll never get it. stuff like this feels like an AI made it because it doesn't seem to take into consideration.. how literally any human being in the history of the human race thinks or feels.
i genuinely don't understand how someone could not grasp these things.
not letting us see which pressure plates do what was a bad idea.
i got a pixelated boner
Joined on 2/19/05