poor graphics and sloppy gameplay mechanics.
overall a 1/10. and i rounded up.
poor graphics and sloppy gameplay mechanics.
overall a 1/10. and i rounded up.
Mute button freezes the game.
An add you placed at the lower left for "More Games" covers up the bottom of the third level which obscured one of the ramps in one oft he levels.
I personally think the short checkpoint high difficulty is a bad model. I'd have preferred the distance between checkpoints to be longer and the difficulty to be lower. The overall difficulty would be the same but it wouldn't be so luck-based whether you made pixel-perfect jumps. The difficulty would fall into consistency rather than accuracy. Which is much more fun.
The product as it stands is highly polished. The primary control scheme was a joke though.. right? Anyways, after switching to the secondary control scheme I was good to go and didn't have any problems with the gameplay, graphics, or audio.
When I say audio I'm referring to music and sound effects...
The voice acting was just hilari-bad. Atrocious.. gnawing.. grating..... almost ruined the whole experience.
Get a voice actor or at least someone who doesn't sound like a complete... f**g**t.
i liked the music and concept.
i didn't like how far you'd get sent back for dying. especially when dying was made easier by the following:
-jumps that you can just barely make with pixel-perfect accuracy (once you're the kid)
-hitboxes that are way bigger than they should be. i'd dodge arrows like a pro just to die anyway
the game was too short and didn't have much to it. nor a warning that you can't jump on enemies to kill them. (this is a failing of many games)
the concept had potential but wasted it.
therefore, when another game comes along using the same concept, i will not consider it a ripoff. i will consider your title to be a time traveling ripoff.
The fundamental flaw of this game is that the upgraded tower appears on the spot of the last tower you place. This makes tower placement HORRIBLY difficult. You just can't seem to get much beyond the 3rd upgrade (fourth level) without destroying your entire maze and leaking tons.
A better mechanic would have been to make it so the upgraded tower appears in a set place, like the upper right.
Even having the upgraded tower appear where the FIRST tower of the set was would be a vast improvement.
Because of this flaw, the game fails.
Without it, it could have soared like an eagle. Into the sky, swooping over the land below and mocking other flash games as inferior.
And it would be right.
i liked the graphics, music, sound, and concept
i didn't like that during the first boss fight i could only move left and right and not up.. therefore i was unable to collect all the spacedust left behind.
i stopped playing at this point.
u r taken an idea good to use. srry englises is'nt my 1st
and it is real good. ++5 star
smart und good consept
Thanks very much for playing and leaving your thoughts!
I didn't like that you couldn't click a button to go to the next level. You had to go back to level select then select the next level.
I also didn't like the way the clock had to run down to zero even after you find the pony or whatever it is.
A lot like Limbo, which I liked a lot.
Overall the game was decent. But I compiled a list of the biggest problems:
-when you select a button, the UI panels should disapear or at least not block you from placement.
-i played the tutorial levels over again on hard and got no additional stars despite the game telling me i'd get additional stars if i replayed levels on hard
-it was never made clear what food did. whether it leveled them up faster or aided in their healing somehow was never made clear
-the spawn buttons are very difficult to click. you basically need to click repeatedly and in the very center.
-bigger mobs cover the treasure chest if they are holding it, making it difficult to tell if they have one
-the third tutorial level was extremely difficult without upgrades, yet upgrades were never mentioned until... the third tutorial level. it should have popped up and told you to upgrade after the second tutorial upgrade.. or at least mentioned in the third tutorial, when it told you about the upgrades: "hey.. by the way, you know those upgrades we just told you you can do? well.. you're going to fail this level because of a lack of them. so make sure and go get some.. after you fail this level so you can come back and succeed"
-clicking the arrows to go to different rooms of your dungeon was extremely difficult. sometimes you'd have the mouse in the position that caused the hand and the arrow to appear, but you'd be unable to proceed by clicking, you'd have to move the mouse over closer to the center of the graphic that popped up. this is clearly caused by you making the clickable region to trigger the event the same shape as the graphic that popped up. solve this by either adjusting the clickable region, the graphic that pops up, or having an additional square pop up along with the graphic to show the ACTUAL clickable area (though this third option is ugly from a UI standpoint)
-zoom in and out served no real purpose. it didn't actually enhance anything it just zoomed in on images without increasing the resolution so it was pointless (and pretty ugly) to do so.
-it was illogical to have the ability to spawn a certain type of monster be triggered at the start of a level. it should be awarded at the end of a level. the way you have it, i get a message that says for example "now you can summon skeletons" but i roll over to upgrade station and can't actually see them in the book because i don't -REALLY- have the ability to summon them till the end of the level.. despite being able to summon them in the actual level that stated at the start that i could summon them. aka, i can summon them, but the game doesn't recognize me as having unlocked them until the level is finished.
-no indicator of which wave you're on or how many waves are left to come (except for the popup right when a wave starts)
-almost every single dialog had terrible grammar and spelling. if english is your second language, you needed to have someone who spoke the language properly proofread your work and correct all the mistakes. example: the description of ghosts: "... and can disturb the enemies so that they search the distance." <-- "search the distance"? lol.
Joined on 2/19/05