the platforming is smooth.
the story telling/explanation is far too verbose. you need to cut down text to 1/3'ish what it is. i don't like having to skip content, but when people get too verbose with the storytelling, it's because they're using it as a crutch to tell a story that could be more subtlely and cleverly told through gameplay and visuals.
i like the music style you're trying to go for but you should hire a better composer to get it across better.
art is almost there. it has that tiny pixel-art style that a lot of people like. but for example, a wall would be a tesselation of a very small graphic. it has no character. there should be asymmetric blemishes, growths, cracks, detail. it feels like you're aware of this because it is done in some areas. but not in others. it would add to the game's character immensely.
larger screensize. not a fan of it being so tiny. should be able to full screen it.