somewhat dissapointing.
everything here is pretty decent but i heard a lot of pre-mixed stuff from basic music studios packages i've used in the past. they stood out really prominently. also there's nothing that really stands out as that unique. everything is just all around decent. some of it is better than decent but none of it is great. i'd pass it if there weren't so many obvious pre-mixed sound effects beats and loops in this.
i didn't factor the fact that you guys are actually selling this.. into the score. if i had the score would have been around 3 or 4. i think it's unreal that a bunch of authors come together in a friendly collab and make something decent.. and then turn around and charge people to listen to it. with preset effects glaring like crazy and pretty standard beats. i consider that a huge minus, but to be fair i didn't factor it into the review.
i pass this individual submission. i fail the packaged compilation that is for sale. but that's not really what i'm supposed to review. that's why i gave a 6.