not sure how to rate this accurately
i like everything except the lyrics
the lyrics were childish.. embarrassing... very weakening to the whole song.
it's like a 5 year old wrote the lyrics.
everything else was great.
not sure how to rate this accurately
i like everything except the lyrics
the lyrics were childish.. embarrassing... very weakening to the whole song.
it's like a 5 year old wrote the lyrics.
everything else was great.
not sure what to say. brilliant?
Great track
After your message, I checked this out again.
Very cool with sharp beats that aren't abrasive. Soothing too.
Thanks man. Glad you had another listen and it still sticks with you. There is a much newer version featured on the album.
too noisy
the noise was cacophonous. and overall repetitive.
the cuts were too quick and abrasive.
i'd like to say something good about this but quite honestly there wasn't anything about it i enjoyed.
hidden in this i get the feeling there's an artist with potential to put together good drum'n'bass. he just hasn't realized it yet.
You should hear my stuff from 1992.
sounds procedural
sounds procedurally generated.
the work seemed incomplete and didn't have a continuous flow from beginning to end.
the melody didn't stick and the fore and backbeats were abrasive.
the lyrics and voice were intended to be funny but they weren't. they lacked the basic wit that makes anything funny.
not bad. didn't exactly knock my socks off. i've heard similar shit before.
Sorry you didn't enjoy it, thanks for giving it a listen!
i won't summarize a review. that's the score.
i give an 8 because the start of the song was great. top notch.
the transition at 13 was coarse and totally off the nice trend you were setting.
if you stuck to the style you started with (and a lot of the later stuff like 1:10 etc.) this would be a 10.
Joined on 2/19/05